nickname: V, V-ruff-dogg
class of: 2001
first season: Fall 1999
biggest rookie season shocker: watching a scrum actually work...i remember saying "you put your head where?!"
position: forward (flank/eight)
favorite rugby moment: winning our first B-side game my rookie was the last game of the year...Josie scored on a long haul and Alan wanted to light up a cigar on the field for us
favorite post-game rugby moment: zulu-ing
favorite alan-ism: "what's wrong with you - you're still playing the concussion excuse?!"
"i'll never look at you again without thinking of an elevator"
favorite song lyric: "and Earl had to die! na na na na na na!" (alexa and rhiana dancing in the background)
deep thoughts: in rugby you can get hurt, meet bad sportsmen, and get blind refs....but it's the only sport where singing and drinking with other teams, never fearing anything, ignoring all injuries, calling concussions "a minor setback", and playing with amazing, talented, truly strong women ever occurs in such a proud sportswoman-like environment. swat women's rugby is a credit to the the ideals of sportsmanship. we all have a hell of a good time playing a game we love.

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